Mirrored architecture: reflect on these special spaces
Mirrors represent a huge part of our lives,theys are the first thing we look into in the morning and probably one of the lasts. We always have to chek ourselves out before going out, to make sure that our outfit looks good, that our hair isn’t freezy or that our lack of sleep doesn’t show through our eye bags .Appart from that mirrors don’t only have to reflect bright areas or windows, they can also be used to accentuate the architecture by reflecting interesting angles or spaces. This effect can be difficult to achieve, but when done well, can truly elevate a contemporary space to appear even more well thought out, thing that made a lot of architects incorporate it into their designs nowadays.
How mirrors work :
Essentially, a mirror is made up of a shiny piece of extremely smooth metal, kept in a place with a glass front and a thin layer of backing (usually aluminum). The way a mirror functions is how the physics of light behave in our Universe.
The colour of something is defined by which colours of the visible spectrum it absorbs or reflects. For example a red cup absorbs every color except red so that the red light returs to our eyes unless there’s no light, in which case the red cup is as black as everything else. White objects, meanwhile, reflect all the colours of the visible spectrum, which make them appear colourless.
The metals inside mirrors perform the same trick, reflecting all the colours of the visible spectrum, but the difference is they’re ultra-smooth on a microscopic level. A piece of paper might seem smooth to you, but it’s not even in the same smoothness league as a mirror, and that’s how a mirror image is formed: all of the light is bouncing straight back in the direction it’s just come from.
Mirrored architecture :
One of the most unique and beautiful architectural designs are ones where there is use of mirrors, but not only in the indoor space, however new trends of mirrored architecture are bringing the reflections outside.
This video shows how unique and beautiful is the use of mirrors in architecture, these designs intreague a lot of people and pique their curiosity which make these places gain a lot of popularity and thus more tourists.
Some Examples of the most famous mirrored architecture designs :
Japanese Cafe Features a Mirror-Clad Facade: “Mirrors” by Bandesign

National Holocaust Memorial of Names, Amsterdam, Netherland

Depot Boijmans Van Beuningen, Rotterdam, Netherland

Glenmorangie Distillery, Tain, UK

Fabric Warehouse 2.0, Auckland, New Zealand

Garden Studio, Amsterdam, The Netherlands

Mirror Houses, South Tyrol, Italy

The Invisible School, Salamenca, Spain

Marseille Vieux Port, France